© 2014 Eloquently Speaking
P. O. Box 2979, Upper Darby, PA 19026 | email:[email protected] | call: (484) 374-7852
Interested in sharing your inspirational message of HOPE to encourage somebody? Contact Stacey Lunsford at [email protected]
Writer, Poet,
Teacher, Intercessor
For Young Ladies
Biography of Aliscia Melton
Aliscia is a woman that was once lost, confused, and broken. She has had many trials, tribulations, and heartbreak in her life. She is the survivor of a 1 parent home, sexual, emotional, verbal, and physical abuse. She is a teenage mother who is now a proud mother of 3 beautiful and talented children ranging in ages 21-9.
Through the shedding of Christ’s blood and her acceptance of Jesus as her personal savoir, Aliscia is a soldier in the Army of the Lord who hails from New Jersey. She has been charged to create, equip, and uplift God’s people with the knowledge and application of what it means to be an effective solider (disciple) in the Army of the Lord.
Aliscia does this through the many avenues God has blessed her with, one is her writing. She began writing as a youth by journaling and creating stories. It was a way for her to deal with her emotions and turbulent upbringing. She later picked writing back up when she became involved with the Youth Ministry at church. She would write short plays, speeches, and poems for the children to recite.
n 2012, Aliscia was re-introduced to poetry through friends and some personal struggles in her life. During this time she found solace in writing and her horizon was broadened
as she saw here life story being written out in poetic form, which she refers to as her “mind spillage”. This caused her to share her work with others online and to eventually create a group through FaceBook where all could come and freely express themselves in poetic form (Poetic Freedom Café).
Aliscia has been featured on “The Literary Corner” a blog radio show where she shared her art of poetry and ministry for Christ.
She has several projects in the works, or “pots stirring all at once” as she says. GodSquad Inc is a ministry where she does the work of training and dicipling the men and women of Christ.
She has a clothing line, GODSQUAD GEAR as well as an organization, Young Women of Virtue (YWV), where the objective is to teach and show young women and girls their worth and that it can only be found and defined through Christ Jesus. YWV’s theme is “See yourself as God sees you”.
When reflecting back on your life never look at your decisions as mistakes but rather choices. Choices that can not be changed and then thank God for the blessings and lessons that you received from those choices.
Live, Love, and Learn

I am me- Uniquely made
He took me in hands
For He is the potter and I am the clay
Shaped, carved, and molded me
Beginning the process of making me…… perfectly me
Placed in the fire
Harden by life
I am still me- Uniquely made
By His hands
Weathering from the storms may have left cracks and chips
But flaws and all
I am still A Masterpiece
Outwardly scarred with beauty eradiating from within
Far more precious than gold, rubies, diamonds or pearls
Uniquely designed with a purpose
I can only be me…
Put on this earth with a call
You may not understand my walk
But He understands it all
So do not judge my rough exterior
For I was made to endure and break down walls
So you see …
I stand tall
Flaws and All
Uniquely made and Called
27 Oct 2013
Aliscia Melton
Eloquently Speaking,
Thank You For Blessing Me, For Helping Me
You are appreciated!
Love Stacey

www.facebook.com/godsquadinc Aliscia is currently working on completing an inspirational/biographical book and putting together a compilation of her poetry to be published.
Clothed in Grace
Look at her as she dances through life….
So whimsical
Movements of shear elegance
Some may not understand how she can be so free
Maneuvering through the chaotic traffic of this world
Such suppleness
Almost effortlessly….So it seems
For she is clothed in Grace
The free and unmerited favor of God
This beautifully exquisite and dazzling garment
A gift
Covering all of her infirmities
Making her Admirable
As she brilliantly blossoms wearing this cloak
Covered in the anointing of God
You see
Favor Ain’t Fair
But it is humbly accepted and appreciated by her
Written By Aliscia Melton