© 2014 Eloquently Speaking
P. O. Box 2979, Upper Darby, PA 19026 | email:[email protected] | call: (484) 374-7852
She would often ask him what he was thinking or why he was so quiet. He frequently heard that he did not show emotions and he took life far more serious than others. At the onset, Chris resorted to writing his partner poetry. As time evolved, he would create simply to express himself or to help his partner simplify the enigma which he often portrayed. Eventually, he would create as a method of finding serenity, motivation, or self-reflection. While going through, the rites of passage of his storied life, he realized that he had a unique gift. The relationship has fizzled, although his passion burns brightly.
After a near death experience, Chris was inspired to start writing. He has written over two-hundred poems. He writes from his heart, mind, and soul. Chris' writing has been known to move people. He feels that this is fitting, as he writes about anything that moves him.
Join him on his amazing journey and follow him to his culmination!
Thank you,
D. Christopher Harvey
Interested in sharing your inspirational message
of HOPE to encourage somebody?
Contact Stacey Lunsford at
Author, Writer &
After reading my book, the man said "I'm shocked, you don't look like a writer."
I asked him what does a writer look like?
Did the man with the pale skin and the small frame look like one of the greatest entertainers in the world?
Did Michael Jordan look like a dominating champion, when his high school coach told him that he was not good and probably would never make it very far!
Did Emmett Perry, Jr. look like he would be one of the most successful playwrights ever, when he was homeless?
Did Oprah look like she would own a network and become a billionaire when her critics told her that she didn't fit the mold?
Did Eric Bishop look like an Oscar Award-winning actor when he was known as Wanda?
I thought about it and told him writers don't have a certain look.
We don't fit a certain mold but we are known to have one thing in common.
A writer is one who has the ability to express his or her thoughts in a written form rather it be fiction or non-fiction.
I then, clarified to the confused young man and closed by saying...
"I'm not just a writer, I'm an AUTHOR!"
He smiled and responded "Yes you are, I love your work, and I would like to buy another copy of your book!"
Eloquently Speaking
Presents To Some & Introduces To Others
Via Interview Two Unique and Dynamic Writers...
Ms. Lydia BornToWrite Cook of Choice Wordsss LLC. &
Mr. Mark Goggins CEO & Founder of Black Poetry Cafe

About the Author
D. Christopher, or Chris, is a humble, quiet, confident, gentle man. From birth, he was classified as a shy or introverted person. Many times, when it was necessary to speak, he would remain silent because he was always looking for the right time or perfect line. A tragic event took place, early in his life, which caused him to go deeper into a shell.
He did not speak about the incident for almost three years. He became a loner and kept many things to himself. Ironically, he found solace in writing and acting. He eventually realized that
he had a knack for creating word play. His love for words, easily detecting grammatical errors, and sentence structure catapulted him into his passion for writing poetry.
Chris started seriously writing poems while involved in a
whirlwind relationship. The relationship consisted of every emotion that two people could display. His partner was outgoing, talkative, approachable, friendly and was liked by most. She would
What Are People Saying About Chris Culmination D. Harvey's Book?
Chase your dreams and follow your vision.
I published my first book in 2012, Chris' Culmination. It is a true must read, available on Amazon, Kindle, and Createspace.
Book Reviews From
Chris' Culmination took me on a pure poetical adventure.
As a reader I enjoy walking away feeling as if I know the author.
Mr. Harvey paints such a vivid picture of his poetry that I felt like
I was there when he wrote them. Looking forward to his next book.
~ Lydia ~
This is one great poetry book. I've read it several times and still can't get enough. There are quite a few poems I can relate to and I can't say I have a favorite because it would be too hard to choose from the lot, but there is one specific one that has gotten me through "difficult" days...."I Am Not Stressed". There are parts in this one poem I can relate to and others I couldn't imagine dealing with, so when I read it, it gives me hope and faith to keep on keeping on. Chris is definitely a passionate writer and you can feel the warmth in each pen stroke. This book of poetry is filled with love, faith and pain all wrapped in one... providing you with a honest view of this author's humility and appreciation for life. You won't be sorry you purchased it!!! ~ A Poetical Haven ~
Chris’ Culmination is an awesome book of poetry. Relatable and thought provoking, the pieces in this book make you stop, take a breath, and look inward. Would you be able to overcome the biggest challenge that Chris faced? Would you be as passionate about life if Chris’ struggles were yours? This book is full of inspirational poetry which makes it a great read and a great discussion piece for a book club. I’m hoping that this is not the culmination of Chris’ work because I’m looking forward to reading more from this author. ~ Niecy Brown ~
This book was an inspirational journey through one man's life. From heartache, to pain, to love and growth the emotions that were made into a beautiful manuscript of poetry will leave you in hope & faith of a better day! I've read this book over three times, and I carry it daily as a tool of inspiration letting me know to move forward in lifes daily struggles to continue on the road of redemption. Beautifully written and relatable poetry at it's finest! ~ Keino ~
D.Christopher Harvey express a great deal of variety emotions and truth with this book. Chris' Culmination: One Man's Passionate Voice in a Poetic Format is well written and grab you from beginning to end. His poems will give you a taste of who he is and also challenge you to look at the person you are. One of my favorite poem is What is life about: It is thought provoking and honest.I highly recommend this read! D.Christopher Harvey is a talent you wouldn't want to miss! This Brother of Distinction will be a force to reckon with. I look forward to reading more of his work in the future! ~ Alex Saunders ~
D. Christopher Harvey’s poetry is direct and exudes great emotion. His honesty shines through his work.”Take care in the meantime and check our site for your book in the next month or so (www.slpl.org). Click on the “catalog” link at the top.
Warm regards,
Rachel Brooks
Program Coordinator
St. Louis Public Library