© 2014 Eloquently Speaking
P. O. Box 2979, Upper Darby, PA 19026 | email:[email protected] | call: (484) 374-7852
Interested in sharing your inspirational message of HOPE to encourage somebody? Contact Stacey Lunsford at [email protected]
Eloquently Speaking
With The Parents,
Of MacFour!

Eloquently Speaking:
Where are the boys from? Baltimor Maryland. Where are they going?
Mr. & Mrs. McKenney:
To the Top of The R&B Charts and hopefully we will receive an opportunity to work with Disney and Nike
Eloquently Speaking:
What are their aspirations? (I would like each one to answer in their own words and their own way)
- Kevin- I would like to Mix Music, be a DJ and Produce Music
- K'Von- Make Sure that MacFour be the best in the world and being there when I have kids.
- K-Love- I want to put a new Spin to R&B Dancing like the Nicholis Brothers did to tap dancing
- Keith- I want to be a basketball player and watch out for my brothers
Eloquently Speaking... this is your opportunity to tell your readers how it all begin...what is Macfour's story? Their testimony and message of HOPE to encourage somebody else? What kind of support system do they have? In the home, church and community?
Mr. & Mrs. McKenney:
It started from a Bet Between Father(Kevin) & our son MacFour member, Kevin aka KJ while listening to a New Edition Song called, "Heartbreak". Our Testimony & Message of Hope: Listen to Your Parents, Communicate with your parents because they have been where ou are and in some cases where you are trying to go! Read and no form of bulling of any kind is allowerd. Our parents are our support system!
Eloquently Speaking:
What is Macfours ultimate goal?
Mr. & Mrs. McKenney:
To be the best in the world like the legendary R&B Artist before us.
Eloquently Speaking:
What venues have they performed so far?
Mr. & Mrs. McKenney:
WOLB Radio Station 1010 in Baltimore twice,WBOK Radio,Womenareworthy Fox45 Good Day Baltimore 3 Times, Several show cases in the DMV Washington DC, Maryland. The Baltimore Superfest with Mr. Anthony Jeter where we got started in an area over 30. Most recent February 28th Performances at The Winter White Fashion Show Photo Shoot Extravaganza in Philadelphia PA, March 14th In Washington DC the Super talent of the World USA 2015 Pageant.
Part 1 of Interview
Click The Star!
Eloquently Speaking:
As a young beautiful black brother that are doing positive things, what would they like to say to our younger beautiful black brothers to encourage them?
Have each one of them respond in their own words.
Kevin- Listen to your parents! They know what they are talking about.
K'Von- Listen to what you are being told by the industry and read every document carefully.
K-Love- Be a LEADER and not a follower in a positive way
Keith- Respect your parents Listen to your yeacher and work hard to be the best.
Eloquently Speaking:
Are they working with anyone at this time that they would like to recognize and give thanks for their support?
Mr. & Mrs. McKenney:
First in foremost GOD, Mr. Michayah Ben our Song Writer, Mr. King Grip the Producer behind Baby I Got Your Text and The Video.
Our Big Brother's Devin & Troy Our Sister Shayla who wrote 2 of Our Singles and just started working with Ms. Becky Gaston Talent Consultant from #DCS Ent
Eloquently Speaking,
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you, Mr. & Mrs. McKenney for graciously allowing me to do this interview and learn more about this wonderful group of young men that are doing great things! I am greatly encouraged by their story (your story) and wish you and MacFour!
Much love and respect,
Stacey Lunsford
Eloquently Speaking
With The Parents of MacFour!
Eloquently Speaking:
What inspired Macfour to start singing?
Mr & Mrs. McKenney: MacFour have been singing since and before they could walk They were introduced to music by both of us.
The dream started after attending A NEW EDITION Concert back in 2006 and their Mother Pam was about 5 months pregnant with Keith 3/4 of the group stayed up thru the entire concert Keith was moving during the entire concert. lol... True story and the rest we hope will be history!
Eloquently Speaking:
Do they write their own music and songs if not who does?
Mr. & Mrs. McKenney:
MacFour wrote 4 original songs in 2010. Their big sister Shayla penned 2 Songs and one is called “Jasmine” and can be purchased on ITunes. The other single is waiting for the boys to hit the studio and record and we are very excited about that!
MacFour! Receives Their Own Song Writer, (A God Send) author, song writer, motivational speaker, Mr. Michayah Ben.
Michayah noticed the Boys on Reverbenation came to a performance and we are happy to say that he writes exclusively for MacFour ENT LLC!
Thank you Michaya for your love and support, we appreciate you!
MacFour! Meets
New Edition Members
With Dad!
What an exciting day that was!